2012年6月18日 星期一

18.06.2012 Recent Life

Form 6 life was started and I finally made my decision to study form 6 and try my best to adapt the life.Before the school start and when school started a day,I struggled whether want to continue study form 6 or jump to study college-UTAR.On the same time,I was super headache and upset bacause maybe I was still cant accept the fact of open school.=P But,at last,I chose to study form 6.There were few reasons,
1st was I sent email to UTAR,they replied me that they only have intake for foundation on Jan 2013.
2nd was I don't know whether I really like to study act and it is a right path(to college).
3rd was St.Paul's coco still consider ok,so I think I still can accept it.

Well!To study form 6,there is no escape from tuitionsssssss.I have 4 tuitions,on Tues,Fri and Sat.And talk about class,my class from 23 students drops to 17 students.Some of them took matriculation,maktab,IPTA and bla bla,they were rush for it already.But,some of students,they took JPA to Korea or other countries to study,they rejected the offer.How stupid they are!?If you don't wish to take it,please don't apply for the scholarship and occupy the place for those who are interested.It was totally speechless for them and wish to scold rude words to them.=.=''

Now,my life is wake up -> breakfast -> school -> home -> lunch+bathe -> nap -> homeworks+(maybe some revision)+(tuition) -> sleep. There are also some entertainments for myself la,of course.Haha...But,I found out that facebook really very boring and there is just sharing things in facebook for me.So,called me "SHARE QUEEN". xD Twitter is for me to chat with babes so I will appear when babes are there because I seldom to tweet. =D

Felt sad that my fishes were died,left 9 fish only.Some of them were sick because their skin look white and the tails are turn to transparent ... OMG!I need to take some fish from cousin again...Ha~ Moreover,I gained weight and become fatter than before lo...How shit am I!OMG!!!I am getting fatter and fatter since I was stop my work.From now onward,I want to control my meal but Jwen is coming back soon,how to control~~~???I'm sure getting fat again!

Now,I pass my life like this --->>>>
Everyday,I'm waiting the weekend to come. =)
